Something about it gives me chills
Something about it feels right
Something about it feels right
Something about it calms me
Something about it is peaceful
Something about it makes nothing else matter
Something about touching each page, turning it slowly over in my hand allowing my fingertips to brush lightly along the indents of scattered lines twisting upon the page. Something about it, is powerful.
These pages contain memories, feelings, thoughts, ideas, some good, some bad. Some smart and some dumb. Some mature, some--most--filled with angst. But always doubt, always uncertainty, because there can always be another way that nobody else has yet seen. Doubt and uncertainty are not the same I would associate with angst. They are the doubt and uncertainty of all questions and conundrums that a person may happen upon in thought. They lead a person to other possibilities. They keep a person questioning, wondering, and ever curious. Something I never hope to lose. These start in February 2010 and the top journal dates to the present date, nearly done. My goal: a library, of all my thoughts from a foolish boy, to a foolish man. For as long as I live.
We are humans, we don't have the answers to anything, we only presume to.