Saturday, February 18, 2012

Two Endings

I wrote this poem and I am not entirely sure whether or not I even like it. I normally would let it sit for several weeks then reread it again and again to see if it has any worth but I wrote this yesterday and I have decided to post it with both endings. I also cannot decide which I like more. I hope an opinion or two might be shared on the matter. Or even if the poem is decent or enjoyable in general (idkwtfimdoing)

Terrible a tremble
ripples echo silently
as the lights shudder
in revulsion
    Pardoned are these shadows
Flowing over all
 Shrouded now
Humbled due
a relenting grip
clenching as the edge
closes in
limit              less
than obvious
Drowned for an instant
Pain cracks the sky
it then weeps
as the road follows
rolling across hills,
mountains, valleys
into the pours
sky cleanses earth
held in contempt
its troubles ignored.

held in contempt
its troubles ignored.
for the treachery
That hides behind
melted rock and sand
The earth cries too
It knows death
it approaches soon

1 comment:

  1. The style of it is interesting, it doesn't read very easily or smoothly (or maybe it's just the way I was reading it), but it works. As for the ending, I like the second one better. It's more...mysterious, for lack of better words. But yeah. Yay Nathaniel the poet
